Why cryptocurrency and web3 will change the world of money contracts and finance and much more.
Removing control from old school institutions that only take for their shareholders has led us down this path leading to deadends and brickwalls. Times are changing improving bits and bytes with immutable database usage and multi-blockchain ledgers where the math don't lie.
Wallsters and Banksters will be screaming and sprouting out propaganda with genslers making all kinds of conspiracy theory's how crypto needs regulated through the SEC and with them pulling the levers on ETF's the tail will wag the dog and BTC will be up and down like a toilet seat. Watch as big institutions withdraw large BTC holdings the masses will be scrambling for the exits while rug pullers buy backin no one will be charged in that boiler room scam club. All the dirty tricks in crypto are replays from the masters of share pump and dumps propping up companies with high valuations to cash out on shares.
Don't worry BTC may not be the be all and end all of crypto, this is a very young industry and many smart minds are working in this space finding new solutions everyday.
News this week petro dollars payments may no longer be the world's reserve currency, keep that in mind BTC Maximalist's some other power or coin may be king of the world for a time. It has been said if you cannot beat them join them although you will never own them and in our future's this will be a guarantee.
Bad actors and scammers will be outed the code of the people united we stand. Multi blockchains tokens coins utility NFTs decentralised DAOs and other game changer's that's in our crystal ball.