in Bots fake sign-ups by (7.8k points)
Bot accounts signing up as users from major tech email accounts are allowed for their benefit not website owners, big tech funnel users for full surveillance options from their networks forcing your choices to subscribe and allow funneling and idiotic pictures teaching their ML captchas. They are not helping users they are building walls keeping people isolated segregated to profile and analyze please do not subscribe to billionaires controlling your life you will be sorry in time.

2 Answers

by (1.7k points)

Cloudflare thinks changing peoples mind's from using captcha to managed challenge that puts them in charge of surveillance control of users. Only problem is everyone just gets a new master forcing them to submit to cloudfare there is a better way decentralise the internet from central control. Apple wants to keep their sheep in their garden as well with private access token how nice and cozy.

by (7.8k points)
Email accounts that are invalid should be stopped with one ping to gmail aol outlook yahoo hotmail or any other provider, checking if address is valid if not return invalid. Website owners should not be wasting time blocking emails that are phony or invalid big tech has the power to change this. They find it quite easy surveilling users for their benefit, why are users allowing internet to be built for big tech owning and controlling all the infrastructure.

 Were all fecked if people don't start thinking of their families future and implementing alternatives.  Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.